Ordering Prices


Small Format Prints

4x6   $3.00

5x7   $5.00

8x10   $10.00

Large Format Prints

11x14   $20.00

16x20   $30.00

20x24   $40.00

20x30   $50.00

Square and Wide Format Prints

10x10   $15.00

10x20   $20.00

20x20   $25.00

Photo w/ Matte Board

8x10 matte   $20.00 Total

11x14 matte   $30.00 Total

16x20 matte   $50.00 Total

Available Upon Request

Package Deals - $5.00 extra

Specialty Photos (Black and White, Sepia, Custom Photos w/ Name, etc.)

-Please note $3.50 will be added for shipping and handling to small format prints-

-Please note $6.00 will be added for shipping and handling to medium and all other prints-

**Every photo order placed will be color corrected, cropped and centered (if needed) upon delivery.